rainbow will appear after raining :)
wee, malacca trip
it's really FUN x)
around 9.30,
queiyang's bro come my house and fetch me go titiwangsa station
reached there,
waiting for them.
after few minutes, xinchyi them reached.
and after 10 minutes, hanyik reached =,=
we walk to lrt station
and go pudu transfer bus to malacca.
omg, puda bus station,
extremly weird and nervous man.
a lot of people,
a lot of bus,
a lot of stall.
gonna fainted,
because starting headache again.
first, my bag are not really light,
the air are not really enough and smooth,
and the people waiting there are not really less,
and also the people are not really queue sequences.
so that i saw a lot of people there,
and feel so faint -,-
so that very fast
we went bus and wait there,
because I'm not really feel well.
and I'm worry about carsickness .
luckily at the end i don't have.
wee, went malacca with bus,
just need 2 hours,
so near weih, omg cant imagine.
erh, afterdats we reached malacca,
we knew a very kindly teksi driver.
he teach us where to go, what to play, what to do.
bla bla bla, gonna thanks him a lot. :)
she want me walk to the next two stairs,
so that we are same height -,-
first,we went Mahkota- Dataran Pahlawan shopping complex i think?
and then we have a short shopping there,
went roxy esprit mng fos have alook
to see what's different of malacca and kl
btw at the end is SAME la.
feel so hungry,
so that we went 旺角茶餐厅 have lunch.
this is what i ordered,
actually not really very delicious,
btw I'm really hungry so i just waste a little bit.
going to the dataran pahlawan NEW building,
take a pic and then we go :)

and then,
we went the entertainment centre.
and we play the race of car,
1bucks per token,
we changed 5 token and played this game and another shoot monsters game.
lol, i know we're lame,
go malacca do this stupid things. xD
*wink* i LOVE my hair ;D
and then,
we went upstairs- GSC to buy movie tickets.
it's just cost 8 bucks, ohmygod.
cheaper than kl again ..
Yes Man. * yes to everything.
actually damn funny
btw got a bit LAME -,-
erh saying rude words?
asshole and fucking? erhm.
and feel so happy this is the very first time
i never see the chinese word,
i just hear what they are saying xD
huaahaa x)
because so clearly =)
erm, before movie.
we went FISH spa, omg.
it's cost 20 bucks ONLY half and hours.
if kl, it's about 38 bucks right?
weee x) so cheap,
the fish make my leg feel itchy ,
keep laughing and shouting inside there.
i know im crazy -,-
so much fish * ignore my fat leg - -,
after fish spa,
went shopping for a while again,
and then walk walk walk,
went to a FIELD,
wuhaa, keep taking picc *
oh my god,
so happy xD
we can jump HIGH x)
suppose L.O.V.E
but stupid me decided wrongly -,- LOL. im sorry.
weee xD my shoes ;D
have a rest (:
camera girl. x)
after taking a lot of pic,
accidently i saw a building looks like 古城.
then afterdats we walk there to take some pic :)
the way walking to old palace :)

my lil brotherr :D hanyikk ^^
then go a place with k-room and pub

our dinner, satay lok lok? xD

and steamboat :)
after have our dinner,
i went Cyber Cafe to online :D
chatted with jiahao, andrew, jia cheng ..
LOL, lame ..
do all the stuff that kl can do it TOO -,-

the place, went have-a-look what's clubbing.
and malacca pub no need check IC -,-

we're walking back to h-o-m-e. HIGHWAY !
a lot of stupid car Hon Hon or make the mouse* muaax sound.
oh gosh* wth.-,-
we back home used 45 minutes to walk the stupid highway,
and back home, waiting for them bath ..
around 2am, is my turn.
then continue drinking our beer,
oh gosh * she and he are drunk..
and we wanna to slept at 4am actually,
btw at the end we slept at 5am ..
i wake up at 6.30am ...
preparing to keep my things and brush my teeth those cleaning stuff *
and then,
say goodbye to chyi's malacca friends.
we went Melaka Sentral to put our bags into locker,
bought the 3pm tickets,
we had our breakfast,

it's such a dirty-oily-disgusting things i ever ate before, gosh!
we take bus to R-E-D house.

we went for looking some stuff can bring back KL :)
and then, around 2.00pm
the time starting rush,
and we walk walk walk,
walk back to Mahkota take bus.
and back to - malacca sentral .
went up bus,
keep talking a lot stuff with hanyik,
and they all slept.
xinchyi wake up,
she said : urs start talking non-stop from this morning, won't sienz?
lol xD
who call him is my lil bro right? :D
and my short journey,
weee :D
finally finished.
u oso go malacca o..
tat pic so nice :D
sweet (:
wow..malacca shuang hor?i went to malacca dis august oso..so mis the day wid all those referees..(coz i went thr for natianol basketball league) ^^
shuang lo shuang lo...
reali bad girl la u...
jk nia==
nice trip ya.
so HANGFOK to hv a trip wif fren.
i go malacca jz stay at home jer.==
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