情绪化 .
again .
jz now still happie d .
now change 2 unhappie again .
after Yue Ling off9 .
yes .
luan luan think again =[
always make myself fan geh .
dai sei .
haiz .
i'm moody about .
sm1 saying me Sh n Cb .
actually it's ok d .
me nvm geh .
duno why me cant stay strong anymore . =\
aihz .
i hope i can .
reali .
i reali hope .
chai huan...
i noe u can geh!
stay strong!
dun think so much...
add oil ya,...
muz b strong ar~
u still hv me ma..
huan ..
just leave them. no need to think those rubbish stuffs de. they dont know you. and they're just wanna to support they ppl. they're not meant to say u like that der. so. no need to jie4 yi4 wat they've judge and say about u. just think about us. which really knows about you. which heartss u so much like wanna die xD en. dont bird them. think those who likes you =]
be tough. i love you.
just be stronger..
don't bother those *stupid rubbish people... cheer up lahh =) gambateh ! ^__^
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