i'm free.
i'm tired.
i'm alone.
all most .
althought sometimes wif him.
i'm worry about liyee alots.
she's sick. =\
she din call me go around wif her too.
maybe she duwan me worry about her ?
but i CARE .
these day i'm together wif yingtyng . =]
because we're tuition together .
LOL. i miss the time wif her =)
enjoy .
we have same topic to talk .
and and and.
today tuition.
jianyi. yingxian together too.
hv fun at tuition .
got abit 满足感 =]
because i kn0w t0 do the excersice.
at lease ada 进步 lor.
慢慢 跟上去咯 =]
after tuition.
rain heavily.
it's cold .
my heartss too.
i miss him alots. =\
sometimes .
i think deeply ?
why my mum wan treat me like this ?
stole my freedom away.
but actually she's good for me .
mayb i'm wrong .
but . i'm trying to get myself 专心听课 .
i duwan to be a 不孝的女儿 .
i CAN ?
althought i know i'm useless.
cheers up.
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